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What did Alameda's balance sheet look like in 2022?

At the start of 2022, Bankman-Fried estimated that Alameda's balance sheet looked like this: Over 2022, the market crashed over and over again, he explained, with major tokens like bitcoin, ether, solana and others all shedding value.

Does Alameda research have a FTX balance sheet?

A leaked balance sheet of Alameda Research showed billions of its collateral is denominated in FTT – Photo: Shutterstock Up until very recently, Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) reigned over a cryptocurrency empire consisting of one of the world’s biggest crypto exchanges FTX and the trading firm Alameda Research.

Are Alameda's assets really cash?

That was in contrast with what Bankman-Fried and Alameda’s Caroline Ellison had previously said: that there were clear divides. One of Alameda’s biggest assets appeared to be not cash or other hard assets, but FTT, a crypto token issued by FTX.

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